What is the Ezra Protocol and Debra Elkins Fatty Liver Bible

June 22nd, 2022 by Dr S Smithson No comments »

The Ezra Protocol is a holistic, multidimensional, 5-Step plan for reversing fatty liver disease and obesity. Or to put it more simply, The Ezra Protocol it is the critical 5 steps you need to take, each step being in balance with all the elements of your body to reduce your fatty liver and its bad effects on you.

It utilizes the vast knowledge and experience of Jacob Ezra and is based on the work of Dr Alfred Pischinger, has over 27 years research, trials, testing and the proven treatment of tens of thousands of people worldwide.

Debra Elkin

Debra Elkin, author of the Fatty Liver Bible

Debra Elkin’s, an ex fatty liver sufferer and now a champion for healthy liver, wraps the Ezra Protocol into The Fatty Liver Bible, a 160 page plus guide that explains the whole process of how a fatty liver forms, the symptoms it shows, how to reverse the process and everything in between. A fatty liver can lead to numerous health problems, but it is not treatable by surgery, so the Fatty Liver Bible is probably the single most important health book you can ever read.

Click here to get the full details of the Ezra Protocol and Debra Elkin’s Fatty Liver Bible from the safe, official site.

Most people do not know they have a liver problem, and simply live with the symptoms, just accepting them as part of getting older.
Symptoms like:

  • Overweight, yet you have a ‘reasonable’ diet
  • Back pain
  • Feeling tired and weak
  • Abdominal pain or lower torso pain
  • Sometimes lose appetite for no reason
  • Occasional yellowish skin

In almost all cases, if you had taken action to prevent the build up of a fatty liver, these symptoms would never have occurred and you would feel 20 years younger than you do now.

How did it get like this?
The liver does not have enough nerve endings to raise a pain alarm. So the only pains you get are consequences of a fatty liver. That is why you hear of so many people who thought they were fine suddenly needing a liver transplant. The effects that built up a fatty liver are reversible and If you act now you can reduce and then remove the fat from your liver. Surgery cannot do this, only a structured plan like the Ezra Protocol can make the simple life changes that will make a massive change in your health. It is too easy to focus on the symptoms and try to fix each one by masking it with drugs etc, without stopping to think of the real root cause.

The Ezra Protocol explains clearly what food products works together to reduce fatty liver disease and which work against the liver. You are always told to have a balanced healthy diet, but often this is based solely on calories and vitamins and not on what is needed for good health.
It is only in the last 20 years or so that it is possible to go to almost any food store and buy any meat, vegetable or fruit you want. Previous generations had a balanced diet based on seasonal produce; now most people don’t even know that vegetables and fruit have a season. You can mix anything you like now and your body is suffering from it. The Ezra Protocol explains what you can eat that is in balance with your health and your liver. You would be blown away by some of the foods that do you nothing but harm yet are viewed as ‘healthy’, simply by when you eat them and what other food you eat them with.

Doctors are often too busy to sit down and discuss lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation etc with you, so if you go to a Doctor saying you have a back pain that’s what they will treat you for. Can you imagine how good you could feel again if you removed all the symptoms that your fatty liver is giving you? Given what you read here and read in Debra Elkin’s Fatty Liver Bible and with the Ezra Protocol you now have a choice and a guide to help you restore your liver to its full health.

Click here to get even more information on the Ezra Protocol and Debra Elkin’s Fatty Liver Bible

Treatment for Fatty Liver Disease

June 11th, 2022 by Dr S Smithson No comments »

Current medical reports for the treatment for fatty liver disease indicate that more than one third of North Americans need treatment for fatty liver disease and if left untreated will progress on to liver inflammation, cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure and liver cancer. The excess fat in your liver massively increases your risk for diabetes, stroke, heart attack, specific cancers and ultimately an early death. Obesity is a very visible symptom of a fatty liver, but most sufferers have symptoms that they just get used to rather than do anything about. Not doing anything about a fatty liver is not an option if you want to regain your health and live longer.
However, fatty liver disease is a condition and not a disease as the name suggests and therefore it can be treated and cured without the need for expensive medication, pills or surgery.

To be clear, Fatty Liver Disease can be reversed with the right treatment.

So How Does a Fatty Liver Get To Be Fatty?

Carbohydrates are sugars that your body needs to survive. Before any carbohydrate can get into your bloodstream, it must be broken down into a single form of sugar. Of all the types of sugars, there are only four, glucose, galactose, mannose and fructose, that can pass from your intestines to your liver. Of these four sugars, only glucose can pass without change from the liver into the normal blood flow. Galactose and Mannose are rapidly broken down in your liver and do not get into your general blood flow. The main sugar that the Liver works on is Fructose, which is converted to glycogen, the storage form of sugar in your liver. This is then fed into your bloodstream in a controlled manner based on your blood sugar level. However, the liver can store only so much glycogen; as soon as the glycogen stores are full, the fructose is then converted to a type of fat called triglycerides. If surplus amounts of triglycerides accumulate in your liver, you develop a fatty liver.

How Your Liver Is Meant To Work

Everyone understands that calories burnt should equal calories in. This is a natural balance and is reflected in the livers conversion of fructose to either glycogen to be burnt as fuel or stored as fat in triglycerides for burning later. As the blood sugars drop, the body calls for the triglycerides to be converted to glycogen and this effectively burns off the stored fat. As the blood sugars rise, there is no further call for glycogen and the liver converts the fructose to fat.

So How Do We Get a Fatty Liver?

The liver is effectively making either fuel or fat based on your blood sugar level. Having a fatty liver prevents the insulin receptors in your cells from responding to the normal insulin in your blood which causes a rise in blood sugar which causes your pancreas to release even more insulin which causes the liver to convert more sugar to fat (triglycerides) which then fills your liver with more fat to cause an even more Fatty Liver. You can see this is a downward cycle that will only end in serious medical problems unless a change is made in diet and lifestyle.
Left unchecked, you develop excess fat in your body, usually around the belly (leading to obesity), high blood sugar (leading to diabetes), high insulin and triglycerides levels (leading to heart attacks) and a greater risk of specific cancers as well as a range of other associated diseases.

So What is the Treatment For Fatty Liver Disease?

The liver will only burn off the fat when it is called to do and that requires the blood sugar to be low enough that the liver starts to burn the triglycerides to raise the blood sugar level.
Whilst exercise is always recommended it is not actually needed in order to treat a fatty liver. Provided you can control the foods you eat it is possible to have a fatty liver diet that does not leave you hungry, and yet always leaves the liver burning away the surplus fat. The aim is to have a slow burn so that your body can manage the gradual changes which is critical to the long-term success and maintenance of the fat loss.

So How Can We Do This?

The full details of what foods and drinks can be consumed as normal and reduce a fatty liver are outlined in a holistic treatment guide for fatty liver called the Ezra Protocol. It outlines the foods that boost blood sugar more than others, and those that can easily be replaced with other common foods items so that your diet is about maintaining a healthy blood sugar level rather than trying to starve yourself. It also outlines the physical and mental areas to examine and improve to give you the best chance at permanent fat loss.

The Ezra Protocol shows that restricting carbohydrates is much more effective than simply cutting calories or limiting fat intake. In medical tests, low-carbohydrate diets lead to greater reduction in fat from a fatty liver and gave longer term sustained weight loss than low calorie diets. By lowering the carbohydrate intake, focusing on those that generate fructose (which is the sugar that generates the fat) you get a sustainable and consistent way of asking the liver to burn fat and also maintain a healthy blood sugar level. The whole purpose of restricting the sugar generating carbohydrates is to keep a non-high blood sugar level so that the liver always burns off more fat than it stores. Following the whole process in the Ezra Protocol will lead to a slow but consistent weight loss, initially from your fatty liver, but then from your whole body, until you reach your ideal in-balance weight. Which is the ideal result for non-surgical treatment for fatty liver disease.

Determine The Best Fatty Liver Cure

May 15th, 2022 by Dr S Smithson No comments »

Most people who identify with having a fatty liver, either from medical inspection or most commonly self-awareness, immediately start to look for a fatty liver cure.

However, the suffering individual must, first of all, find out the root causes of this disorder, or at least some of the primary causes in order to select the optimum and fastest working cure. The need to prevent further fatty liver damage after diagnosis is the main driver for a fast working cure. Once things have been prevented from getting worse then a bit more time and effort can be applied to the longer process of reversing and curing the fatty liver problem.

The fatty liver condition develops when fat begins accumulating in the liver cells and it is mainly caused due to obesity or substantial alcohol consumption. This disease is divided into a couple of categories. One is alcoholic fatty liver and the other one is non-alcoholic fatty liver. The first one attacks individuals who are into heavy drinking. The non-alcoholic variety is much more prevalent and quite challenging to treat. Any kind of cure requires first determining the kind of fatty liver disease. This may seem an obvious check, but many sufferers both drink heavily or regularly and have bad diet and exercise lifestyles so you need to identify what will make the fastest cure before analysing the complete lifestyle. The Fatty Liver Bible covers both in no-nonsence language.

In normal conditions, the actual liver fat content is generally 1.5% of your liver’s weight. When this percentage increases to 5-10% then the fatty liver disorder takes hold. Getting an effective fatty liver cure is entirely possible with an early diagnosis. When left ignored or unattended, this disease deteriorates into more severe types that are impossible to cure and then the person must simply live with it.

Almost 90% of excessive drinkers develop alcoholic fatty liver disease. The remaining 10% suffer other medical problems more serious than fatty liver. If the problem is just due to high alcohol intake this condition may be reversed very quickly. The person has to quit drinking alcohol and then follow a treatment plan that continues the fatty liver reversal but also fills in the lifestyle gaps that stopping drinking has created in order to prevent a return to drinking.

There are various factors that bring about the non-alcoholic type of this disease. It might occur as a consequence of metabolic, toxin or drug problems. After determining the underlying reasons behind it, there are some measures that can be implemented to treat the non-alcoholic form of this disease. In this particular type it is primarily a diet problem so the very first thing to do is to try weight reduction. The person should try and achieve the right level of body mass index. A healthy and balanced lifestyle, medications and regular exercise routines are the most efficient way to address it. Simply by eating some basic foods as replacements for others the person can move closer to their healthy body weight, which in turn helps reverse fatty liver disease.

Get The Fatty Liver BibleIn summary, persons attempting to find the best fatty liver cure need to concentrate on specific things. When it is the alcoholic form then the individual needs to go for abstinence. For the non-alcoholic type, the individual needs to try weight reduction, consume food and drinks that are healthy, exercise regularly and take recommended nutritional supplements.

What Does The Liver Do?

May 13th, 2022 by Dr S Smithson No comments »
The Ezra Protocol is all about improving your health by reducing a fatty liver, but often I am asked ‘what does the liver do?‘  So here is a brief single page view of what the liver does.

The liver is in the upper right part of the abdomen.

fatty liver ezra protocal
  • Storing glycogen (fuel for the body) which is made from sugars (fructose). When required, glycogen is broken down into glucose which is released into the bloodstream.  The better your liver, the better the fuel delivery will be.  The better you will feel.
  • Helping to remove or process alcohol, medicines, and toxins from the body.  It is vital that this function is not overloaded by excesses so that the liver can work in balance across all its functions.
  • Making proteins that are essential for blood to clot.
  • Helping to process fats and proteins from digested food.
  • Making bile which passes from the liver to the gut down the bile duct. Bile breaks down the fats in food so that they can be absorbed from the bowel.  An underperforming liver may not make enough bile to allow the fats to be broken down, leading to a breakdown in the vitamins absorbed from meals.

Detox Will Not Help a Fatty Liver

April 21st, 2022 by Dr S Smithson No comments »

Taking a regular daily or weekly break from alcohol or bad foods is preferable to a short, sharp detox for a fatty liver.
This is especially important to minimise fatty liver growth and to start a long-term process to restore liver health.

Setting New Year resolutions of giving up alcohol or going on a detox for one month is pointless, especially after the excesses of the festive season.
Instead, drinkers should make a decision to stay off alcohol for a few days every week throughout the whole year.

Detox Will Not Help a Fatty Liver

Experts agree that a short period of complete abstinence will not improve fatty liver health.
A longer-term attitude to alcohol and diet is more desirable, the charity said.

Andrew Langford, chief executive of the British Liver Trust, said that people tend to believe the newspaper hype about rejuvenating their liver by detoxing in January. People think they’re virtuous with their health by embarking on a liver detox each January with the belief that they are cleansing their liver of excess following the festive break.

“Detoxing can lead to a false sense of security and feeds the idea that you can abuse your liver as much as you like.” Says Dr Mark Wright of Southampton General Hospital

“A one-hit, one-month attempt to achieve long-term liver health is not the way to approach it. You’re better off making a resolution to take a few days off alcohol a week throughout the entire year than remaining abstinent for January only.”

The thinking behind this approach is that the total alcohol intake per person is kept down and the liver is given time to recover each week.
Providing the liver has no lasting damage, it can repair itself very quickly, taking as little as 24 hours to go back to normal.

Detoxing also creates its own problems.
“Detoxing for just a month in January is medically futile. It can lead to a false sense of security and feeds the idea that you can abuse your liver as much as you like and then sort everything else with a quick fix. It makes about as much sense as maxing out your credit cards and overdraft all year, then thinking you can fix it by just eating toast in January. The figures just don’t stack up,” said Dr Wright.

If you are overweight you increase your risk of liver disease by three times if you drink alcohol too.

The British Liver Trust is launching a campaign to encourage people to maintain a healthy liver. As part of the campaign, it is advises eating well and exercising regularly.

But alcohol isn’t the main source of a fatty liver, it just amplifies the bad effects of an unhealthy diet. Cutting down on your daily food indulgences and not overloading on sugary drinks will all help to optimise your liver function. The Ezra Protocol explained here details the steps required to manage an effective and easily implemented dietary change plan that will allow you to see benefits and a reversal of fatty liver.

What is a fatty liver, symptoms and effects

March 12th, 2022 by Dr S Smithson No comments »

There are two main types of Fatty Liver Disease: Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic.

There is considerable press coverage on the Alcohol-fuelled liver problems, and indeed they are serious, but the most common causes of liver problems, and the life symptoms they give come from non-alcohol causes. Alcoholic fatty liver is an early and reversible consequence of excessive alcohol consumption. Nonalcoholic fatty liver is a build up of fat in the liver, usually caused by lifestyle choices of the wrong mix of food and exercise. In most cases, this has been building up over a period of time and more often reflects the need to change habits as you get older, rather than having had the wrong habits.

What Is Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)?

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease describes a range of conditions caused by a build-up of fat within liver cells. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease can sometimes be harmless to the liver itself in the short-term, but sometimes it may cause the liver to swell. It is a common condition that has many different causes, including some drugs and genetic disorders, although it is mostly caused by lifestyles. The most common causes of serious Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease are obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels, but the start of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease can be from over eating, under exercising or just the wrong mix of food and lifestyle. Fatty Liver Disease is the most common chronic (persistent) liver disorder in western countries such as the US. It is thought to occur in about 1 in 5 adults in the US, and in up to 4 in 5 adults who are obese, often leading to serious liver disease. This only drops to 3 in 5 who are overweight, and the older you are the more at risk you are.

Can My Doctor Tell If I Have Fatty Liver Disease ?

If you have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, you may feel fullness or pain in the mid or upper right side of the abdomen. Most people do not have any specific symptoms. If you visit your doctor, they may check your blood first and then order a scan of your liver if they have any medical concerns for its health. However as most fatty liver problems can be corrected by changes to lifestyle, now may be a good time to be honest with yourself as to what you ned to do to feel fit and good again.

What Can I Expect if I have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease ?

For most people, the early onset of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is medically harmless and does not cause serious health problems. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease usually does not affect how well the liver works initially, but left unchecked can progress from associated symptoms to full-blown liver disease. However, in some people, Fatty Liver Disease may stop the liver from working correctly at a very early stage. No one can predict who will have early onset problems. It is more likely to happen in people with diabetes or who are very overweight. If in any doubt see your Doctor.

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease will almost always manifest itself in other ways through the body, for example with abdominal pains, general tiredness, sudden stabbing pains in your sides. Addressing the root cause of the fatty liver will remove all the symptoms too, making you feel better, fitter and more alive than you currently do. It will also help to remove the serious health worries and concerns you will naturally have if you do nothing to halt the advance of a fatty liver.

Having Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease does increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In fact, people with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease are actually more likely to become ill and die from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack than from a liver problem. Therefore, you must take it a priority to not underestimate the importance of reducing any ‘lifestyle’ risk factors that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. For example, not smoking, keeping your weight in check, taking regular exercise, and eating a healthy balanced diet. The Ezra Protocol diet will assist in all these areas and is a good place to start.

How can NAFLD be Treated?

The good news is that people with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease usually do not need any medical (surgical) treatment. The most important thing is to focus on what has led to the Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and to take measure to prevent ongoing damage before moving into areas covering how to reduce it. Losing weight slowly may reduce the amount of fat in your liver. Losing weight quickly may make things worse as you try to force your body to change rather than slowly adapt.

If your cholesterol and sugar levels are high, your doctor may give you medicine to control them. As with anything to do with the body, slow and steady changes will make much more progress than an attempt to step-change your lifestyle.

In Summary

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease describes a range of conditions caused by a build-up of fat within liver cells. It is very common and in many cases is linked to being overweight. Most people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease do not develop serious liver problems but have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and stroke. If you are overweight, the main treatment advised for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is usually structured program of weight loss and regular exercise in a correct mix such a the Ezra Protocol will give. This not only helps with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease but will help reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Ezra Protocol has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions including fatty liver disease.